Balancing Amino Acids for Optimal Dairy Farm Outcomes the dairy nutrition blackbelt Dec 11, 2023

In the realm of dairy cattle nutrition, achieving optimal outcomes is not merely a matter of chance; it's a meticulous science. One of the key pillars in this intricate world is the art of balancing amino acids—a practice that plays a pivotal role in enhancing milk production, quality, and...

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Como as biotecnologias reprodutivas estão transformando a avicultura? o aviário Dec 11, 2023

No universo da avicultura, onde a ciência e a prática muitas vezes se entrelaçam, o episódio de “O aviário” com o Dr. Ricardo Pereira trouxe uma luz inovadora sobre as biotecnologias reprodutivas em aves.

Dr. Ricardo Pereira, com seu vasto...

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Delving into Advanced Poultry Health Management: A Comprehensive Approach the poultry nutrition blackbelt Dec 08, 2023

In the realm of poultry health management, recent advancements and research are offering insightful perspectives on how to optimize the health and productivity of poultry. The focus on a comprehensive approach, blending various aspects of poultry care, sheds light on innovative strategies and...

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Advancing Your Beef Cattle Operation: Key Strategies for Nutrition, Breeding, and Collaboration the beef podcast show Dec 08, 2023

In the world of beef cattle management, numerous factors can influence the success of your operation. From nutrition to reproduction and everything in between, the key to thriving in this industry lies in understanding the intricacies of cattle care. This blog delves into some critical aspects...

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The Swine it Podcast Show Canada - #38 - Elevating Pig Welfare: Unraveling the Impacts of Chronic Stress the swine it canada podcast Dec 08, 2023

In this insightful episode, we are joined by special guest Dr. Martyna Lagoda, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Lagoda delves into her research on chronic stress in sows and its impact on their piglets, drawing from her expertise in sow and piglet welfare. She explores...

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The Actual Energy Value of NDF in Dairy Nutrition the dairy nutrition blackbelt Dec 07, 2023

In this episode of The Dairy Nutrition Blackbelt Podcast, I welcomed Dr. Paul Kononoff for an in-depth discussion on the significance of Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) in dairy cattle nutrition. Dr. Kononoff is one of the greatest minds in our industry and currently holds the position of...

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The Delicate Balance Between Tradition and Innovation in Ag Marketing wisenetix podcast Dec 07, 2023

In this insightful episode of the Wisenetix Podcast, we feature industry veteran Robyn Volkening as our special guest. Join us as Robyn shares her expertise in agricultural and animal health marketing, exploring the delicate balance between tradition and technology in the industry. Robyn dives...

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The Pet Food Science Podcast - #26 - Myths and Reality About Carbs in Cat Food the pet food science podcast Dec 07, 2023

 Understanding the nutritional needs and metabolism of domestic cats is key to creating specialized diets that improve pet health and set industry benchmarks. In this episode, Dr. Aulus Carciofi examines the role of carbohydrates in feline nutrition. He explores how carbohydrates affect cat...

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The Swine Nutrition Blackbet Podcast- #95 - Innovations in Swine Nutrition: The Chromium Effect the swine nutrition blackbelt podcast Dec 07, 2023

Chromium supplementation in swine diets marks a significant leap in swine nutrition, bolstering health and productivity. Its integral role in metabolic and reproductive functions deems it vital for the industry's efficiency and sustainability goals. In this episode, Dr. Merlin Lindemann from the...

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The Feed Science Podcast Show - #23 - Top Episode Rerun: Five Lessons for Successful Feed Mill Nutritionists the feed science podcast Dec 07, 2023

We're thrilled to present a special rerun of the notable episode "Five Lessons for Successful Feed Mill Nutritionists," featuring the esteemed Dr. Michael Tokach. This episode illuminates Dr. Tokach's profound expertise, highlighting the diverse and essential skills required for feed mill...

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Interconnected Factors in Animal Welfare: Understanding Management, Industry, and Societal Perspectives in Poultry the poultry podcast show Dec 06, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of poultry production, understanding and addressing animal welfare is paramount. With increasing awareness and demands from various quarters of society, the industry faces the challenge of integrating these concerns into practical management...

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O Aviário - #52 - De liderança às novas tecnologias: a experiência de uma avicultora de sucesso o aviário Dec 06, 2023

Em nossa rica história agrícola e avícola, as mulheres estão cada vez mais se estabelecendo como líderes reconhecidos. Revelamos o impacto significativo da contribuição feminina no setor agrícola, com destaque para o incrível talento...

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